Connecting Sunset Park with Local News and Stories
Everything Sunset Park! Stories and updates about the neighborhood delivered by the voices of your neighbors.
Local News You Trust
Sunset Post: Your Source for Community News and Updates.
Stories about Sunset Park
The only newspaper solely dedicated to Sunset Park, the neighborhood where you live, work and shop.
Community Highlights
Stay informed about the positive things going on in our neighborhood. Learn how you can get involved.
Neighborhood Investment
Discover local businesses and opportunities in Brooklyn’s most industrious borough.
Getting the Word Out
Reach Sunset Park Customers directly to let them know about your small (or large) business.
Publicize Your Events
Get a richer, deeper level of engagement from your community, letting them know about important events.
Tell Your Story
We welcome submissions by local residents on the subjects that matter most to them.
We’re building the only web-based newspaper dedicated solely to Sunset Park!
But we can use your help! We are currently seeking the following:
- Writers and photographers fluent in Spanish or English
- Local businesses targeting Sunset Park residents
- Residents with stories they want to tell
- Local coders and web developers eager to build
- Advocates, policy makers and grant writers
Get in touch with Sunset Post for your community news.
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Our Goals for the First Year
The Sunset Post’s goal is to be the one-stop-shop for all Sunset Park residents and workers regardless of what language they speak. Here are some of the numbers we want to hit in 2025.
Number of Languages
Sunset Park’s residents mostly speak English, Spanish and/or Chinese and we want that reflected in our language options. More to follow!
Regular Readers
Sunset Park has over 130,000 residents and we’re looking to capture 1 in 10 of those residents on a regular basis.
We want to hear from you! Whether you want to contribute a story, column, picture, advertisement, classified, calendar update or comment the Sunset Post is here for you.